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Contract Hire and Leasing Specialists

The county of sussex is split into 11 smaller boroughs and districts which include Elmbridge, Epsom and Ewell, Guildford, Mole Valley, Reigate and Banstead, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath, Tandridge, Waverley and Woking. The county of Sussex covers a massive 642 square miles and has a residential population of over 1,085,000 people as of 2006.

During 2010 the of the Country of Sussex reports that there are 60250 business' and companies active in their area

On the 2011 census the County of Sussex has reported that out of 455791 households in Sussex

  • 59865 do not own a car or van (13.13%)
  • 184249 own one car or van (40.42%)
  • 155920 own two cars or vans (34.21%)
  • 39607 own three cars or vans (8.69%)
  • 16150 own four or more cars or vans (3.54%)
  • There are 687072 cars in the Surrey area
  • An average of 1.51 vehicles per household in Sussex

This information tells us that from the 455791 households in Sussex there are 687072 vehicles and that each household has approx. 1.51 vehicles (they have at least one vehicle per household). And that there are approx. 4.20 people per household.

This information tells us that each household in the Sussex area do have at least one car and most have at least two. The average number of people per household is just over 4 so this also tells us that Sussex is a "Family" area where more than one care is very often required to help with the daily living in the Sussex area itself, whether its to commute to and from work or to pick up the children from school or other out of school activities. This clearly tells us that the residents of Sussex do require more than one vehicle to go about their daily lives.

As we know owning a car can be quite expensive, with the loan repayments if you chose to buy a car from a dealer, insurance costs, and the inflation in petrol and diesel prices. Having more than one car in your household does not have to be a bank breaker. There are other cost effective ways to having a car or van and still save you money each month. This is why and where we can offer residents and business' our Contract hire and Leasing in Sussex.

Contrary to popular believe obtaining a vehicle through Contract Hire and Leasing in Sussex can save you approx. 35-55% a month compared to loan repayments on buying a vehicle from a dealership. Which gives you and your family a little money money saved each month. Be sure to check out our latest deals through contract hire and leasing in Sussex. It can cost you from as little as £300 (EX VAT) per month.

CJ Tafft Ltd

25 Years Of Business

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48 Station Road
Holywell Green

Email: info@tafft.com